Saturday, April 28, 2012

Russian Teacakes

Today, while having a conversation with my sister, I remembered a special treat that my mom used to make whenever she held Tupperware parties. They were the tastiest things, and I always made to sure to get my share. Of course then my mother would tell me I'd better stop, or there wouldn't be any left for the guests!

As I learned today, the tasty treats I remembered are called Russian Teacakes and they are actually quite simple to make. I found the following recipe on

Difficulty Level: Easy

You will need:

1 cup butter
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/4 all-purpose flour
1 cup pecans
1/3 cup powdered sugar (for rolling the cakes in)

To begin with, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Next, soften the butter and combine it with the 1/2 cup powdered sugar and vanilla. Add the flour, pecans and salt to the mixture. When everything is mixed, it should be fairly easy to manipulate with your hands. Roll the dough into little balls and place them on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 15 minutes.

Now's the fun part! When the cookies come out, go ahead and drop them each into a little bowl of the remaining powdered sugar. Let them cool for a few minutes, then roll them around in the sugar. Done!

For my first attempt at making them, the teacakes turned out surprisingly well and were just as delicious as I remembered. Try them out and see for yourself!


P.S. This recipe yields about 2 dozen teacakes. Next time, I will probably double-up on the measurements to make them last longer!