Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Relationship With Coffee

I just found this blog post I wrote in college. Even years later, it still applies!

I first met coffee when I was three years old. My parents would give me small doses with large amounts of milk. As I grew older, the doses became larger as my craving for it grew. Now, nearly seventeen years later, I drink coffee multiple times a day. I believe I'm truly addicted.

Unlike other relationships that have come and go in my life, coffee has always been there for me and, though I don't want to jinx myself, I think we have many more years to come.

Now I won't lie, our relationship isn't always easy. There are days when I stay with a friend who doesn't even own a coffee pot, a tragedy that always perplexes me. Then there are others when I am simply out of coffee grounds and unable to drink a cup before my morning classes. These are the hardest days and I have to force myself to withhold my extreme crabbiness until I can get a cup of the delicious caffeinated beverage.

There was a period, a few years back, in which my addiction to coffee had me concerned about the ramifications it would have on my health. My mother, for example, had once gotten an ulcer from drinking too much during a particularly stressful time in her life. To safe my stomach, I decided to give up coffee for good. Well, it only lasted a month. It turned out that without coffee, I was like Jennifer Grey after she got her nose job. I wasn't the same person as before and I definitely wasn't happy. I quickly returned to coffee, which graciously accepted me back. We've been together ever since.

I often wonder if I will ever find anyone as good as coffee has been to me. When I wake up, it's the first thing I want to see. When I'm having a rough day, it always comforts me. Unlike men, coffee never gets jealous when you experiment with another beverage. There was a week once when I decided to expand my horizons and try Chai on the side. Coffee never held it against me.

A lot of women joke about winding up as an old maid living with a dozen cats. Not me. I'll be the one living happily while growing dozens of coffee plants in my backyard.

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