Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Wonderful World of Salads

This time I wanted to talk a little bit about salads. I sometimes think that they get a bad rep because people think they won't fill them up or they are "boring." You've probably also been told that salads can be just has unhealthy as a burger, depending on what you put on it. So you think, why even try??

For me, the lessons I've learned in salad preparation is go for color. The more vibrant the colors you have generally means that you are using natural, earth-growing vegetables and/or fruits. So that basically means nix the colorless ranch and croutons. 

When going for dressing, use as little as possible. I know, this is hard. I used to get fed up, thinking the lettuce was so bland and tasteless without it. Try this trick I learned: put your salad in a bowl with a lid. Apply a couple teaspoons of your dressing, lid it, and shake it up! This will evenly distribute the dressing, applying the flavor throughout the entire salad. Next, sprinkle the salad with a little lemon juice or salt and pepper if it needs more flavor. 

As far as what to put in your salad, that's the fun part! Be creative. Use whatever veggies you have at home and you like. Greens, tomatoes, carrots, these are veggies that can be indulged in. As far as your fats: olives, avocado, and nuts, use in moderation. However, these are the proteins and good fats that will make you full. I also love to put either diced chicken, shrimp or salmon in my salad. 

If you're feeling festive, spice it up! Try strawberries and feta cheese on top of a bed of spinach with a low-fat vinaigrette. Or put some oranges or pears in there, if you'd like. My main objective here to express how unboring and healthy salads can be. Just stay away from the bacon bits.


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